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type directly to change the strategy during the race

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medal 5898
7 years 125 days ago
I've a fisical disease and i use a comunication device, so would be better to allow to change the stints strategy by directly typing the number of laps and/or the fuel liters also before the races but at least during every single race
medal 5088
7 years 125 days ago
Hi Luca, would it help to use the iGP Manager app on a tablet or mobile device? In the app to adjust fuel by +1 or -1 takes one tap each, whether you're adjusting the pre-race strategy before the race is live or during the race. Or do you already use the app?
medal 5000
7 years 125 days ago
I also think being able to type the fuel numbers directly, especially in the live race, instead of tapping + - 1 liter at a time, or clicking and holding for PC players, could be more convenient for all of us. There are other racing management games which allow you to simply type in your fuel numbers.
medal 5000
7 years 125 days ago
Would be nice. Much more comfortable.

@Boomer Kid "clicking and holding for PC players" Can't that be done already? Although it was very slow.
medal 5000
7 years 125 days ago
medal 5000
7 years 125 days ago
Ah I might be mistaken with the clicking and holding, since I don't pay attention to what exactly my fingers are doing when for example the weather suddenly changes and I immediately have to set tyres and fuel for an instant pit stop, just focused on getting the fuel number right. :p Most likely it's just clicking + - repeatedly, you're right.
medal 5898
7 years 125 days ago
Hi everybody, thanks for joining the convesation

@Yunus Unia Blunion; I dont use the App, I play through Chrome browser, and the point is that with my comunication device I can't click and hold or tap - /+ cause it doesn't change the liters amount the 90% of the times

@Boomer Kid; You get to the point, the actual system to change stints strategy it's too slow, so would be much better not just for me but for all of us the type in system

Bye, have a nice day bros
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