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    medal 0
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I need other personal added to the game to hire and make my life easier :P

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medal 5000
7 years 121 days ago
to select & highlight a car design route to aid CD & TD in research.
to tell me what combination of points builds either a red bull, ferrari, willaims, mercedes, lotus or a fuel eating mclaren (instead of having 100's across the board)

to give me detailed reports or suggestions of scenarios using a mixture of compounds. (Auto setup a Plan A, B & C)

to instruct the driver to use boost (AUTO USE)
to suggest a change of strategy in the next stop (Move to Plan B or C)

medal 5000
7 years 121 days ago
Race engineer would be helpful if he could instruct drivers to change fuel mode when you're offline
medal 5000
7 years 121 days ago
Aye! that would be helpful, nothing worse than cold or cooked tyres when your not around to move up and down the push levels to keep them optimal.

The main reason I want Performance Engineers with set car building styles, is so they can have an added layer of structurer to the game. Some styles would work slightly better than others on some tracks and on others some styles would work slightly better in different sectors of the tacks.
medal 5000
7 years 110 days ago
+1 I like the idea
medal 5000
7 years 109 days ago
+1 great idea, can add more things to game to look on , amazing (Y)
medal 5000
7 years 108 days ago
I'd prefer it the way it is, the fact that we control these aspects is what can set you apart from other teams. If we hire a robot to do that for us, we'd all end up the same. The good thing about this game is working out strategy (development/live race) yourself if things change. Just my opinion...
medal 5000
7 years 108 days ago
I do like the idea of the team changing push levels when not watching live. Which could be linked to the intelligence and experience of the driver.
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