Ned Stark medal 5000 12 years 364 days ago
Hello, my driver, age 27, lost almost a full blue bar, he went a level down(trained him and he got it back), but the bar went really really backwards.

Lachlan Collins medal 5000 12 years 364 days ago
i had something simular but nowhere near as bad.
tho do drivers loose their training when they reach 20? had 1 of my drivers on 20 speed all of it then today it goes backwards?

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 12 years 364 days ago
Yes, they do, due to atrophy.

Ned Stark medal 5000 12 years 364 days ago
But certanly they are not supposed t lost a full bar... Can anyone look at it?

Jack Basford medal 5235
CEO & CTO 12 years 364 days ago
There is no inconsistency in this drivers stats. I checked the history of his training and the progress and decline has been identical every time (even the day you reported this).
Did the driver perhaps go up a level? I know you said it went down, but the only way the blue bar should go from very high to very low is when levelling up. Other than that perhaps it was just a display issue.

Ned Stark medal 5000 12 years 363 days ago
Well, if you say so, then I must be wrong. Perhaps i made some confusion. I'm getting old...
Thanks Jack