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Doubt Sponsor

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medal 5000
7 years 92 days ago
iRacing (3 tokens, £612k)
wtf1 (3 tokens, £102k)

why should I take the second sponsor? is it really useless?
medal 5000
7 years 92 days ago
I take it you are only looking at your primary sponsor in this question.
The second number is your bonus. If you desperately need the cash or know you can regularly meet your objective, then go for the highest bonus payment you can get. If you are managing your finances well and don't need bonus payments to keep your team afloat financially, pick which ever primary sponsor you want.
medal 5000
7 years 91 days ago
The question is why should I choose wtf1 instead iRacing? I take less money.
Is it just a graphic choice?
medal 5000
7 years 91 days ago
Yes thats true, except if it's explain how high the target will be for those bonus from each sponsor...
medal 5000
7 years 91 days ago
Among the 3 token sponsors iRacing has the higher cash bonus payment so usually you'd take that. I also don't see any point in taking the sponsors that give the same tokens but less bonus payment other than to have their graphic on your livery.

Target position is based on your results from the previous race. Something lots of players have raised issues with.
medal 5000
7 years 91 days ago
ok thanks guys
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