Dan Cross medal 5000 12 years 363 days ago
Just logged in to see how qualifying went for the Monza race in the 'Formula Nonsense' league, only to be told "This league is no longer active," which is news to me?
Race was due to start at 13:00GMT.

Matt Squires medal 5000 12 years 363 days ago
It seemed to disappear after qualifying was due to run, it had been working fine when I last logged in at 12.30.

Diego Jimenez medal 5000 12 years 363 days ago
Bad news... really bad news... Pablo what are you doing? People will be angry... In fact, I'm angry now...

John Sjostrand medal 5023 12 years 363 days ago
Yeah, I am wondering the same. Setting the car up for quali and then.. poof?

Dan Cross medal 5000 12 years 363 days ago
If it was still functioning as normal up until qualifying, it would suggest this is a problem with the game, rather than Pablo pulling the plug on the league.
Rather annoying though. The sort of thing that will deter me from ever taking out a paid iGP Manager subscription at least.

John Sjostrand medal 5023 12 years 363 days ago
Pablo is away for a few days so you might not even get a reply from him. This is most probably a game bug.
Hello devs?

John Sjostrand medal 5023 12 years 363 days ago
I filed a helpdesk post. Hoping they will get back quickly on this.

George Henze medal 5000 12 years 363 days ago
I miss my sunday entertainment :-(

Ashley Perkins medal 5000 12 years 363 days ago
Confirmed from Pablo (in case you have not seen his tweet on Twitter) "They (iGP Manager) cancelled it due to inactivity. Nothing Pablo could do

Dan Cross medal 5000 12 years 363 days ago
Who hasn't been active enough? Him?
In any case, why would that warrant closing down the entire league? Glad I've wasted three months playing this for nothing...

Matt Squires medal 5000 12 years 363 days ago
Seems pretty odd. Can only think it would be Pablo not logging in for a while, but even if that's the case it seems a bit extreme to pull the entire league without warning

David Brady medal 5000 12 years 363 days ago
How many people were in your league?

Ashley Perkins medal 5000 12 years 363 days ago
31 people I believe

John Sjostrand medal 5023 12 years 363 days ago
David B: If I could access the standings after league was cancelled, I could have answered that. :) But it was quite a lot.

Ashley Perkins medal 5000 12 years 363 days ago
I've got a tab open from before the problem - 31 people in the league

Diego Jimenez medal 5000 12 years 363 days ago
Inactivity? It's impossible, I join everyday, EVERYDAY! iGPManager WTF????? Where are developers??????

Diego Jimenez medal 5000 12 years 363 days ago
I miss my sunday entertainment :-(
Me too mate, me too...

George Henze medal 5000 12 years 363 days ago
Well. Lets wait and see what support says.

Pablo Elizalde medal 5000 12 years 363 days ago
I haven't touched a thing. I just got an email saying the league had been cancelled due to inactivity. There were 31 actiti drivers in it..

Jack Basford medal 5235
CEO & CTO 12 years 363 days ago
Sorry, this is clearly a mistake. Users joining your league had not been counted properly, so it was wrongly detected as inactive. I will make the checks especially thorough to prevent this ever happening again.
I will fix this and get back to you shortly.