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Reset Pro status when entering new championship

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medal 5000
7 years 85 days ago
I've just created a new league to play with my friends and, since one of them and I got promoted to Pro in the last league we played, we ended up divided between the rookie and pro tiers. Is there any way to put us all together in the same tier (that doesn't involve everyone getting to Pro)?
medal 5000 Moderator
7 years 85 days ago
Unfortunately no easy way. The quickest would be that the player(s) in Pro find another league with a free spot in the Pro tier (but enough managers so that relegation is active), preverably with only one or few races to go, join them, make sure they stay last to get relegated and then switch back into your league.

Sometimes the devs or mod adjust things manually but usually things happening due to unwanted game behavior, so I'm not sure if they can afford timewise to handle this kind of requests.
medal 5000
7 years 85 days ago
Guess this is the only way...
medal 5088
7 years 84 days ago
Hey there, I can put in a special request for manual relegation of yourself and your friend to return to the Rookie tier.

In order to do this, you and your friend will need to be in a league where there's room to move down to the Rookie tier.
Then, I need your friend's profile information. This means manager name, team name, and the league he's in.

I can then put in the request and let you know how long it will take to fulfill.
medal 5000
7 years 84 days ago
Thank you, but we both managed to get relegated.
medal 5088
7 years 84 days ago
Oh, okay. Good to hear! :)
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