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League problem.

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medal 5165
7 years 85 days ago
Just before the end of the last season, I removed a number of inactive players (those that had been inactive at the time for over 17 days), which affected the pro level, preventing them from being promoted (or demoted) to a different level. At the time I thought it would correct itself for the next season (and apologised to the affected players), however, it would appear that the pro level doesn't have any promotion prospects again for this season (although beginner and elite level have promotion and demotion available).

I was hoping that you may be able to help...
medal 5021 Super Mod
7 years 85 days ago
Carl, I always keep at least 8 (16 in your case) managers in tiers. You'll have to wait Rookie be promoted and Elite delegated
You also could promote your League in [url=""]League & Events[/url] sub-forum.
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