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Car researsh points start season

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medal 5000
7 years 106 days ago
Every season what we start i see i have almost the same car stats as the season before.
My idea is to delete 1/2 or all the automatic given points based on your last season and let the managers decide which car stat they want improve at the beginning.

Gives us more to sort things out maybe someone want have big advantage in acceleration and someone else in handling.

Now everyone has almost the same car as everyone else.

Hope you understand all what i say. Maybe i dont see something important. But i would like to say what i think i need to improve at the start of the season like how i can improve every race during season.

medal 5000
7 years 106 days ago
I thought we already had a system like this with CD strengths and weaknesses, maybe you mean to have that to a greater extent. IMO what could be added is a next season research system(stopping development this season, to have a better car next season!) That could make things much more interesting :D
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