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Car setups, assessments of the pilots

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medal 5227
7 years 83 days ago
Different pilots have different opinions about the car setup. One of my pilots generally prefers higher wings. Does it mean that the drivers have different preferences or does it just mean that one of the drivers is better in finding the perfect setup?

So should I believe the higher level driver and use boths setups as he suggests or should I use for every pilot its own setting?

Hope you got what I mean...
medal 5000
7 years 83 days ago
Yes please i also need the answer for this, thank you.
medal 5000
7 years 83 days ago
There is no "perfect" setup. Each driver has their ideal setup
medal 5227
7 years 82 days ago
Don't get me wrong Greg, but I guess this question can only be answered by someone who was developing the game or how can you be so sure about it?
medal 5000
7 years 82 days ago (edited 7 years 82 days ago)
Doesn't matter if the driver has 1 or 20 for knowledge the drivers setup is based on their height.

It would be nice to see Knowledge have more of a say in the setup though.
Driver 1-5 Knowledge might say "The ride-height is a little too high" but it is really way too high.
Driver 6-11 Knowledge might say "The wings need lowered by one percent" but they really meant three percent
Driver 12-17 Knowledge would be closer to telling the right thing
Driver 18-20 Knowledge would be spot on with their feedback

Knowledge shouldn't be trainable it should be the same as Experience and slowly build up over time.
medal 5227
7 years 81 days ago
Yes Rose, I thought it might be like you are explaining. The influence of the pilots knowledge... But it is not?

And what do you mean, the setup is based on the drivers height. Do you mean it depends how tall the pilots are or did I get you wrong?
medal 5227
7 years 81 days ago
The reason why I opened this thread is because I have been reading the advanced guide in this forum. There is a table in which you can find the perfect setups for each track. If I use those values my pilots want the wings 2 points higher. So I am not sure if I should better trust my pilots or the "perfect setup". In the last race I was using the "perfect setup" of that guide for one pilot and he was the one who was going faster then. But that's no proof yet...
medal 5021 Super Mod
7 years 81 days ago
Udo, Wing Level is fixed once your drivers are 20 (maybe 18) in fast corners, slow corners, attacking and defence.
For Ride Height I've already seen 5 different options, always related to driver height:

169 cm -> Ride+4
170 cm -> Ride+3
178 cm -> Ride+2
182 cm -> Ride+1
189 cm -> Ride+0
medal 5227
7 years 80 days ago
Thanks Gustavo and Rose for your detailed answers!
medal 5000
7 years 79 days ago
What if:
"my" car setup gives better times in training sessions than the Driver setup?
Should I apply mine or his?
medal 5000 Super Mod
7 years 79 days ago (edited 7 years 79 days ago)
@Sebastian. My observations suggest that practice lap times can be very inconsistent. In my opinion there is no reliable correlation between set-up, practice lap times or indeed qualifying pace. Even if you complete 5 practice laps all with constant ideal settings the lap times can have quite a wide range. From observation I believe drivers with a lower "experience" attribute are more inconsistent with regards to practice lap times.
I am of the opinion that the driver's preferred settings will result in faster race pace but I am not a developer so this is from observation and experience and other managers may well have a different opinion. On occasions when I have ignored the drivers and gone with fastest practice lap settings my drivers seem to have worst race results.
So in conclusion, I would go with the drivers preferred settings.

BTW if you are hoping for the developers to give a definitive answer you will be waiting for a very long time. Understandably they don't usually give out this sort of information.
medal 5227
7 years 79 days ago
Yes, thanks, Kevin for sharing your experiences. Guess you are right, that we will have to find a solution for this mystery by ourselves ;o)
medal 5000
7 years 79 days ago
Thank YOU
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