When i upgrade my academy to level 8, better drivers started to appear, i got one with talent 18 and another with talent 17, but you need to spend 1 token to search for a driver, and 15 tokens to bring the driver to the team.
Usually at level 10 is a good time to begin investing in the Youth Academy. Once it is at level 10 you can spend a token here and there occasionally and find a driver with good talent. As Eduardo says, it'll be 15 tokens to hire the driver directly to the team, but there's no signing fees and their salary is $312k per race. It's a win-win once you score a talented driver. Young, cheap, and talented.
Good choice. Also keep in mind you're not guaranteed to find a good driver right away when scouting. It's a randomly generated driver, where you are rolling the dice.
Frank Thomasmedal 4994Moderator 7 years 110 days ago
As Gustavo said, and to add to it: Not too soon in future you want that talent 20 driver and if you want to be able to pay all/most expenses with your available sponsor income you really want that driver coming out of your own Youth Academy.
Get your youth academy to level 10 and then you can start to get 20 Talents, then as you further increase your Academy level you will increase your chances of obtaining a 20 talent. I got one of my teams Academy to level 10 and then after 3 tokens I was offered a talent 20 driver and then I tried again but the 2nd time it took 49 tokens before I was offered another 20 talent.