Alen Goršić medal 5000 7 years 94 days ago (edited 7 years 94 days ago)
3 managers with 11-12 level are searching for a league. Only active and serious leagues please.
And only the leaue that needs to start.
We are not interested for leagues in mid season.

Dan Nad medal 5000 7 years 94 days ago
You can click here to join rapidly JOIN US
https://igpmanager.com/app/p=league&id=23580 ">JOIN

Alen Goršić medal 5000 7 years 94 days ago
You are already finish 4 races , we want start the season from the begining

Chris Albrecht medal 5015 7 years 94 days ago
If the time works for you, we'd love to have you in the American Open Wheel Series https://igpmanager.com/app/p=league&id=7332. Our top managers are levels 11-12. It's a very active/friendly league and we start a new season on Tuesday.
We have 15/16 in Elite at the moment but if you need extra spaces message me, because I can open 2-3 spots due to inactivity.

Alen Goršić medal 5000 7 years 94 days ago
It's great league but races are in 3 in the morning in croatian time :). So , it's not ideal to wake up in the middle of the night to track the race hehe ... Because we love to be live on the race.
Sorry , i see that is excellent league.

Albert Clemente medal 5000 7 years 94 days ago
You can check: F1GPES https://igpmanager.com/app/d=leagueInfo&id=33963

Dejan Bozic medal 5000 7 years 93 days ago
we are 3 elite managers , in search for a league that is based in europe (couse of the race time)

Skull Racer medal 5000 7 years 93 days ago
Join my league!
Looking for pro players

Marijan Luetić medal 5000 7 years 93 days ago
and of course looking for admin who know accept the defeat without attacking others

Chris Albrecht medal 5015 7 years 93 days ago
No worries, thought the time might not be best for you all. Hope you find a great place.

Alen Goršić medal 5000 7 years 92 days ago
Prefer 2 cars , but 1 car is good too.

Stephen Cornwill medal 5000 7 years 92 days ago
4 races left in our season... 2 cars. 9pm uk time. have a look at our page. a bit of chat and some good laughs. Also do a Cup competition. Im lvl 14 and above average in our league. Top at the moment but no idea how! Remember if you join now you will have a poor car but you should get much better development points for the start of the new season.

Adam The Bassist medal 5000 7 years 91 days ago
You could try "IGP Motor Racing League". Races start at 11pm UK time, 2 car team, very democratic. Season start delayed until people join so really, they're just waiting for you

Skull Racer medal 5000 7 years 90 days ago
U pro Alen? Cuz were looking for pro players!