Daniel Pöhlmann medal 5000 7 years 90 days ago
hi guys,
I am now relatively at the end of my first season, will probably win the championship, I would like to think for the next season and recruit new employees, Desinger etc. because my current employees have only 2 stars, makes sense it already to replace individual employees at the end of the season? or only after the season is over?
Best regards, Daniel

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 90 days ago
I would recommend searching for a new Chief Designer first and hiring a new one as soon as possible (but only until you find one you like). Then hire a new Technical Director before the new season begins. If your drivers have red stars you can hold off on hiring a new Doctor, maybe even let the contract expire and save some cash and pick up a cheap, low level auto-signed Doctor.