Eduan Dupper medal 5000 6 years 352 days ago
Good day,
I find that the tables in our league don't add up. If you take a teams drivers and add their total points you get less than what the teams have. The number 1 & 2 teams have more points as a team than their driver points added together. For example Fuckstickstars as a team have 221 point but with their drivers added together they should have 209 (139+70). Project J as a team have 214 but drivers added together should have 191 (177+14).
Please assist.
Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5836 6 years 352 days ago
Hi Eduan, this is because the teams have switched drivers that no longer appear in the standings.
Eduan Dupper medal 5000 6 years 352 days ago
Oke that could be an explanation. I remember my old driver staying in the standings though even after taken out. Thanks for reply.
Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5836 6 years 352 days ago
I think they do not show up if the previous driver has been fired.