Lanny Kness medal 5000 7 years 83 days ago
For the league i manage:
On Wednesday 12/13 we had a race at Monaco that didn't quite complete. No points were awarded. Our next race is tomorrow, and the game is saying it is Turkey, i.e. are we being forced to skip Monaco? Or does something need reset so we race Monaco? Or since Monaco had completed 38 laps, do we score it as finished?

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 83 days ago
Hi Lanny, thanks for bringing awareness to this. I'm sorry this happened. We can re-run the race if you would like. I'm not sure if any results were recorded...I'll need to ask the developers.

Lanny Kness medal 5000 7 years 83 days ago
The next race is in about 16 hours. If we could re-do Monaco, please make that happen.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 83 days ago
I have informed the developers about it. It may be a while until they see my request as they are almost about to start their workday.

Lanny Kness medal 5000 7 years 83 days ago
It's too late to do now. I have teams that have setup for the race, which is in 3 hours.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 82 days ago
Alright, sorry it wasn't done in time.