Giuliano Guarino medal 5000 7 years 80 days ago
Hi. Today i want to improve 1skill of my car with 67%. I have 21 and the best team 50. 29points difference. I receive only 10points. It's not correct.. someone can do something?

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 7 years 80 days ago
Which attribute were you researching? What is your CD weakness?
The displayed "Research Power" only applies if you research an attribute that is neither your CD's strength or weakness. If you research CD strength you will receive more DP, if you research CD weakness you receive fewer DP.
I imagine the reason you only received 10 points is because you were researching your CD weakness.

Giuliano Guarino medal 5000 7 years 80 days ago
I don't not this..now i have understand. Thanks