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Why not Transfer Market player to player?

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medal 5000
7 years 68 days ago
Figure out: I buy a new driver/staff, I have to sell one of the old, I have a player in championship that would like to hire it; why not allow the chance to sell one to one? Maybe in a simple way: player who wants to buy make an offer for the driver/staff and the owner of driver/staff see the offer and decide if accept or not within... 24h (?).
What do you think about it?
medal 5000
7 years 68 days ago
I think that might go against their "give everyone a fair chance" policy. However, I do like the idea. Perhaps both parties must spend tokens since the normal transfer market is being bypassed?
medal 5000
7 years 68 days ago
They also would need to prevent collusion on the money front too. Say, I buy three drivers for cheap. Then sell them to my wife (intentionally) for 4 times what I paid.
medal 5000
7 years 67 days ago
They also would need to prevent collusion on the money front too. Say, I buy three drivers for cheap. Then sell them to my wife (intentionally) for 4 times what I paid.

You can't do it. Driver price is defined by the game
medal 5000
7 years 67 days ago
Right. I thought when you used the term "offer" you meant that manager should be able to put up any amount. Not something defined by the game like it is currently.
medal 4987 Moderator
7 years 63 days ago
I support that suggestion. I don't think that feature would hurt the game, because you can already do it anyway. You give the link of the driver (or staff) to the interested party, who bookmarks that driver, the driver gets released and for a few minutes, until the driver gets listed on the transfer market, the other player (or a 3rd party having that player bookmarked, because they then get a notification, and happen to be online) can buy that driver directly for 3 token. So those 3 token could be the price as well, or maybe 4 for the added convenience of the completely risk free transaction and the removal of the necessity for both players to be online.
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