José Antonio Vázquez Requena medal 5000 7 years 71 days ago
I put all my research points in one area (downforce), but I only got 34% of research and not 67%. I think it is a bug and I would like to have it resolved as soon as possible.

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 7 years 71 days ago
I presume your CD weakness is Downforce. This is why you didn't receive the full research points you were expecting. It isn't a bug it's intentional. If you research your CD strength you will receive more than you expect.

Leo Yeo medal 5000 7 years 71 days ago
I didn't know that you lose close to half of your research power just from your CD's weakness. I think this is a little too much. I also think that the CD's strength makes too much of a difference. The CD's weakness hurts you twice as much because you will start next season with very little in that attribute too. This makes getting a CD with a good weakness much more important than one with a good strength. But there are only 3 attributes (maybe just 2) where you can afford to have a weakness, where it should really be 0 or 4 (which is what I would go with).

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 70 days ago
As Kevin notes, the progress made by researching Downforce will be lower than usual because it is your Chief Designer's weakness.