Fuel consumption over the previous 4 laps: 3.7l per lap
I had 7.8l begining the penultimate lap (fuel value is taken at the end of the lap)- at 3.7l per lap I was on course to consume 7.4l leaving me 0.4l after the flag, but my driver pitted.
Disappointing, cos it was going to be a great finish, hopefully a 1-2 for me on the final lap.
I think it's wrong to provide values for fuel consumption and fuel load and then have a mechanism that automatically pits a car despite the numbers looking good, with some margin (0.4) is good margin for 2 laps of racing if you ask me, it lets me consume 0.2 MORE than I anticipate per lap.
If there is a magical margin that the game ignores, please document it. Otherwise, it's broken.
Could have been an epic race for me :/ My new signing finished 37s up the road from 2nd place, Menarguez recovering from an ailing 1 stop strategy, hunting down 2nd place at 2 seconds a lap through good tyre management and overheating tyres on the 2nd place car. The fairy tale ending? After closing to less than half a second behind 2nd place with 1 lap to go, Menargeuz pits unexpectedly taking on 52.8l of fuel and a new set of cold, hard, tyres. She finished 7th. Boo.