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Replay a Race

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medal 5000
7 years 53 days ago
A League Member of mine put this in a post on our forum (IGP FMR)

Would it be possible to implement an option to Watch a Replay of a race, or even to perhaps save said replay? it would be a great way to not only view a race you might have missed, but it would be good to keep up with the other tiers in your league.
medal 5000
7 years 53 days ago
would definitely be something for the Dev's to think about, but it would be a huge addition, just the memory alone would be a lot, unless they added a download system where you had say 3 days to be able to download the race you wanted, this way memory wouldn't get too clogged up with stored data of old races, just a thought
medal 5197
7 years 53 days ago
would definitely be something for the Dev's to think about, but it would be a huge addition, just the memory alone would be a lot, unless they added a download system where you had say 3 days to be able to download the race you wanted, this way memory wouldn't get too clogged up with stored data of old races, just a thought

I agree
It seems like a small addition, but for the servers it would mean a lot more work.
And maybe a few would be interested.
It is already possible to see detailed data, lap by lap, of each driver's race, in my opinion the replays are not necessary
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