Manuele Picchi medal 5000 7 years 32 days ago
I accidentally offered for this driver because the app on my phone was lagging a bit
Can you please cancel my offer?
Thank you :)
Gentle Math medal 5000 7 years 32 days ago (edited 7 years 32 days ago)
Same for me this morning too.
While browsing on transfer market, i bid without purpose on a driver I did not intend to buy at all:
I'm unsure how this can be erased, so I put him immediately back for sale, but he cannot be seen on transfer market?
It's okay if I lose my token for my mistake (even though it'd be better without such loss :), but I'd be annoyed paying for this driver salary for nothing as he is totally useless in my team...
Thanks in advance
jerry alberti medal 5000 7 years 31 days ago
Sell him it will cost u some more money but not his salary quick sell
Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5088 7 years 31 days ago
Manuele, and Gentle Math, I returned the tokens you accidentally bid on the drivers. Gentle Math, the driver did get signed to your team but you sold the driver, so you did not lose any cash.