Nathaniel Wiggers medal 5000 12 years 345 days ago
Will I lose less engine performance (say 100% down to 95% for the next race) if I run an entire race on "Back off" versus if I run the entire race on "Push hard" (say 100% down to 80%)?

Neil Robinson medal 5000 12 years 344 days ago
To be fair i think we have discussed this b4 and i cant seem to find any problems with your engine being used in more races i use mine over two race at a time. then replace and it dont make much of a diference think the lowest i've gone is 76%.

Joakim Bonnier medal 5000 12 years 342 days ago
You can race an engine for a whole season, when racing it every time on the lowest aggression setting.
So that answers your question I guess. Of course it makes a difference between "Push Hard" and "Back Off".
And of course this is valid for any part. The harder you push, the more expensive it gets.