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Unscheduled Service Interruption due to technical issues on 9 January 2018

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medal 5088
7 years 46 days ago (edited 7 years 46 days ago)
Hello all,

I'm very sorry you are all experiencing various issues such as driver health not healing, difficulty training, and lost Youth Academy drivers. Some players have also been notified of their race being postponed via in-game mail to allow urgent work to be performed.

At the moment, our team is investigating and working to resume normal service. I cannot provide any information on when work will be completed at this time.

Please watch this thread for updates from myself or our team on this situation.

Thank you for your patience — we truly appreciate it and do not take it for granted.

The thread will remain open for comments and will be closed if the commentary goes off-topic (no suggestions!). Please do not be the reason the thread is closed!
medal 5000
7 years 46 days ago
Does this also account to the previous race result not being posted?
medal 5000
7 years 46 days ago
What's happening? The site is not working well.
I will lost the training days?
medal 5088
7 years 46 days ago
Does this also account to the previous race result not being posted?

Most likely, yes. I won't know for a while. I hope to have some news in the next several hours.
medal 5000
7 years 46 days ago
last night, in my championship, we managed to finish the last race of the season, but the problems started after the race: the drivers' health is not recovered, the cars have only 1 design point in each field ...
medal 5000
7 years 46 days ago
the health of my pilots will not regenerate anymore
medal 5000
7 years 46 days ago
Closing this thread to replies.

Morning all this is not what I wanted to wake up to this morning..... I am investigating this issue with our backend providers to try and resolve and fix any outstanding issues we have. Like Yunus said we will update you as soon as we know more and we can only apologise about this as most of you know myself and Jack are UK based time and this started to occur just after 11pm GMT.
medal 5000
7 years 46 days ago
Okay so an update, we appear to of found the core issue behind all the issues now, we are evaluating our options and should have all services back up and running soon, I will confirm here once we do.
medal 5000
7 years 46 days ago
Okay, for the most part the service is back up but we are experiencing some slowness in some pages to load, we are investigating this.

However practices, and all the health and other time related actions appear to be running correctly.
medal 5441 CEO & CTO
7 years 46 days ago (edited 7 years 46 days ago)
Hi all, as Darren said and you can see the service is back to normal now. It has been a long day and night already, working until 4am then starting again at 10am. We found the root problem and addressed it.

There will be more maintenance in a week or two I expect, to put in to place solutions that will prevent what happened last night from being possible. Already, the work we did last night has ensured it won't happen again before then either, so it can be considered a one off freak occurrence for now.

There are some other things with slow loading we will investigate today as Darren has also mentioned. I understand the frustration some of you must have experienced overnight and we're quite aware the service stability overall needs improvements. We didn't need this unpleasant reminder! It's already our main focus over the next few weeks. I can only thank you for your patience as we put in to place all the measures to properly scale the service.

Once we're over that first hurdle of 2018 there are some really cool updates we're looking forward to sharing with everyone. I will be writing a blog soon where I'll cover all of this in more detail.
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