Siwyalf Siwyalf medal 5000 7 years 56 days ago
Today i late for live race (i start on default setup and strategy) and im late to recontract my driver... i cant buy my driver back cause of lvl... mine is 14, driver is 15... i was raceing and training that driver over 100 races... and i want my driver back... is it possible ?
Im fighting for a title and without that driver it would be impossible to win championship...

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 56 days ago
Hi, I can't do anything about this, however, if you can tell me the name or link to the driver I can ask Jack to help.
You are level 15, have you tried buying the driver back?

Alf Macerick medal 5000 7 years 56 days ago
Sorry i wrote post from my second account :(
Link to driver https://igpmanager.com/app/d=driver&id=532551
What if someone will buy her now when i give her name ?

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 55 days ago
I can check with Jack if there is anyway to put the driver back to your team.
In the future I recommend renewing the contract as soon as possible.

Alf Macerick medal 5000 7 years 55 days ago
Ok. Please do it. I cant find good driver like that :(
We got last 3 races...i dont want to loose title for driver reason...

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 42 days ago
Hey Alf, sorry for the late response. I'm writing to let you know it's not possible to let the driver back to your team. Unfortunately, this would set a precedent and everybody who forgot to renew their contract would ask us to do the same.

Alf Macerick medal 5000 7 years 40 days ago
Wow.... what a fast response...;)