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Bug on Qualification and Race

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medal 5000
7 years 42 days ago (edited 7 years 42 days ago)
10 days ago (7/12018) at my league in Japan our qualification results was shown from P1 to P16...I thought that was a bug...I wasn't shown nowhere...The P1 was with supersofts 1.29 after him Softs and Mediums...And about P8 Supers again with 1.35 this time so I guessed it start raining...I joined the race and there were only 17 cars shown...the First six and the last one and between them a big gap with invisible cars...So when race started at 22:00 we all showed up with a gap about 2-3 seconds behind the 16 first...I began P 25-26...So it destroyed my dream to take the championship...Hope it doesn't happen again...Thank you in advance..League not found or inactive
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