Gavin Painter medal 5000 7 years 17 days ago
Just seen a button saying "test new ads" in the parts area. Not seen any announcement about it. It is greyed out so can't do anything with it. Can anyone shed some light?
Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5088 7 years 17 days ago
Ha, I don't think that's supposed to be visible in the live version of the app. We're beta testing the next release of the app right now.
Alan Silva medal 5000 7 years 13 days ago
Eu tambem, não estava conseguindo ver os videos para pegar as peças e vi esse botão, pena nenhum dos dois não funcionar
Alan Senna medal 5000 7 years 13 days ago
Tambem vi, gostaria de saber porque o botão de peças grátis não funciona pra mim, estou necessitando das peças e faz uma semana que não consigo pegar.
Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5088 7 years 11 days ago
Hello Jake and Alan, please write in English for faster assistance.
If you are in need of parts, please write in this thread: