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Headquarters Timer Bug

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medal 5000
7 years 36 days ago
Hi devs.
Everytime my headquarters timer reaches for example 2days 0 hours 0 minutes, instead of taking off a day, it constantly reverts to 2days 23hours 59mins. It is only a couple of hours later that the system finally recognises it needs to remove a day.
I want to use 5 tokens as my latest development reached under a day, but as usual is now showing 1 day 23hours 59mins instead of 23hrs 59mins and asking me to spend 10 tokens.
I've logged out and back in, but nothing seems to work.
Please can you look into this as it happens with EVERY upgrade.
medal 5000
7 years 36 days ago
Just seen this is an ongoing issue in the pinned bugs list.
How long has taken them to even look at this?
medal 5088
7 years 35 days ago
The devs have tried to reproduce it to find the cause, but it's been tough to reproduce as it has only ever been reported or happens to the same set of players.
medal 5000
7 years 34 days ago
I have noticed this happening when checking out the progress my headquarters(Mainly only check because I have forgotten when I started a new build). Never really bothered me though.
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