Michael Raetselhaft medal 5000 7 years 45 days ago
What is the easiest/fastest/most effective/best way to get a 20 talent pilot? Buy one or scout one? Talking about scouting, does level of academy affects the chance of getting one? And if yes, in what way?

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 7 years 44 days ago
You're L7 so either way is not going to be easy.
Scouting with a L7 youth academy is unlikely to reveal many Talent 20 drivers. In my experience you need a L16 or higher academy to yield a high proportion of Talent 20. They do appear at lower levels, it's just that they are a lot more scarce.
Direct buying a Talent 20 at Level 7 means all of the remaining attributes will be low. Not a problem because you can train them, but again a driver with these attributes is going to be rare.
I hope this answers your question.

Michael Raetselhaft medal 5000 7 years 44 days ago
Thanks a lot! That's that one kind of an answer I wanted to get