Gary Collyer medal 5003 6 years 362 days ago (edited 6 years 362 days ago)
Join one of the top 2 average reputation leagues and at least win the champ in season 2 and season 3 including surviving relegation and scoring load of points end of season in season 1..!
if you did that it would take 3 seasons including your change league 1% car reset season to go from 9,000 to 10,000
i joined my league (one of top 2 average rep leagues 8,850 average) last season at 9,200 for start of season, dropped to 8,950 through first 9 races with my 1% car reset season start, then got back to 9,250 (approx) by end of season, now after 13 races of season 2 im 9,721, i'll be 9,800+ after end of season bonus 100 points and should be 10,000 by end of season 3 if keep same performance so something like that can be done in 3 seasons from your current 9,000 score.
otherwise a slightly lower rep league like yours (8,250 average) would require about 5-6 seasons of domination, winning team's champ with 600+ team points every season then you would get to 10,000.