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it is not possible to renew the contract with the staff.

This thread is closed because it is solved.
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medal 5000
7 years 32 days ago
I want to renew the contract with my Technical Director. But there is no effect, if I do this.

The bug is on the Homepage AND also at the Android-App!

medal 5088
7 years 32 days ago
Hi Christian, I was able to renew the contact with no problems.

The problem happened on the PC and the app?
medal 5000
7 years 27 days ago
No, there can not be a Problem on PC and APP! I have 5 Notebooks, 1 Tablet und 1 Smartphone! Next day the setting was done! But since yesterday I have the same Problem with the next Stuff. I am able to select und click for renew the contract but nothing happens!
medal 5088
7 years 27 days ago
Have you tried renewing the contract on a different Wi-Fi or mobile data connection?

If the problem continues, please record a video of this happening and upload it to Youtube. I'm curious to see the issue in action.
medal 5000
7 years 27 days ago
Yes, I changed to 4G (Smartphone) ... but there is also no effect! I will wait until tomorrow! Maybe the contract is renewed by itself like last time.
medal 5088
7 years 27 days ago
Yes, I changed to 4G (Smartphone) ... but there is also no effect! I will wait until tomorrow! Maybe the contract is renewed by itself like last time.

It wasn't renewed by itself. I renewed the contract to test it was working on your account.

Please provide a video so I can diagnose the problem.
medal 5000
7 years 27 days ago
Now, it works! 8-)
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