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Percentage of the engine life

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medal 5000
7 years 28 days ago
My suggestions:

- Percentage of the engine life. Actually we only see a bar, but we don't know really what is the life remanining of the engine. We need it.
- It would be great that we could see the livery of the others managers team when we enter on their team page. Actually we only can see the livery of the other cars at forum.
medal 5000
7 years 27 days ago
I always change engine after every race. But that's because I got nothing else to spend gold on .
medal 5000
7 years 20 days ago
I'd like to see a percentage too
medal 5000
7 years 20 days ago
Yo los,cambio cada 2 carreras como maximo. Y te sobran al final 4 motores que podes usarlos seguidos en 2 carreras para estar siemore al 100%
medal 5000
7 years 19 days ago
It gives you a percentage of life left when in a live race but I am guessing that is not where you want to see it?

I tend to run an engine for a max of 2 races unless it is coming to the end of the season and nothing to play for where I will then run it a bit longer because it gets repaired/refreshed after the last race to become a brand new engine again(same happens for the parts side)
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