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Hall of fame - Multiple Livery's disappeared...

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medal 5002
7 years 19 days ago

Also hall fame opens onto page 1 whether your team is on page 2 or page 6 or somewhere else since yesterday.
medal 5088
7 years 18 days ago
Hi Gary, we've made some changes recently to improve the loading time of the Hall of Fame. It now always opens on the first page, however it seems there is something missing that allows a player to see their current ranking for the account they are playing on. I've let Jack know about that and the livery issue.
medal 5002
7 years 17 days ago
Just to add, i re-uploaded my livery with one of my teams (only 2 tokens) and it showed back up in hall fame after a while. But i re-did this 7up jordan team earlier today expecting it to return but it hasn't come back after several hours so i'm not sure why one worked and other didn't or why they all disappeared in first place.

all the livery's still appear in the car section of each team by the way.
medal 5002
7 years 17 days ago (edited 7 years 17 days ago)
ok this is just weird, it only seems to affect to people between 10 & 20 in hall of fame (maybe), if u drop out of top 20 onto page 2 your livery comes back then when u jump back into 18th / 19th for example the livery disappears again, weird!
medal 5446 CEO & CTO
7 years 16 days ago
Thanks for bringing it to our attention Gary. It's fixed now.
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