Hi guys!
I had a pretty weird bug today. It all happened in the application:
My racer's 'pit' sign started blinking in the middle of the very first lap of the race despite of his strategy (he had fuel for 9 laps at the start). I couldn't cancel pit since there wasn't any button for this. Instead of the 'cancel pit' bar the 'pit in' appeared and it stayed there for the rest of the lap. After the unwanted pitting the problem has solved itself however I lost a set of soft tyres just on their dayview :/
I hope I can't reproduce the problem. If it happens again I'll write an other post, including more details, of course. I can't attach any screenshots since this is my very first bug report and I've just read the rules. On the other hand I was busy saving my race. Next time I'll try to make you a screenshot too.
Thanks for reading and/or fixing this problem!