Lucas Freire medal 5000 7 years 18 days ago
Hello, I'm having problems in my league, I tried to postpone the race from 24/02 to 22:00 in the morning, gmt -3 to happen on 25/02 and I can not do it, I did a few hours before starting the race on 22 / 02 and the procedure was saved, but after the end of this race, returned to 24/2, can anyone fix it? The next srace should be 25/2.

Carlos Rodrigues Coelho medal 5000 7 years 18 days ago
Lucas,na minha liga aconteceu a mesma coisa. Éramos pra ter a corrida agora,a meia noite mas ela foi adiada não sei o porquê

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 7 years 18 days ago
You cannot postpone races when there is less than 24 hours until the race.