René van der K medal 5000 12 years 336 days ago (edited 12 years 336 days ago)
The nearer the driver is to level 20 the higher the atrophy becomes (which wasn't the case before). Now high level drivers have to work harder to maintain their performance. That's realistic anyway, top level athletes work harder than amateurs to maintain their peak performance
Hmm.. So you're saying that top athletes stay at their top level by training hard, yet mediocre (only halfway the 20 in overall level) are already
loosing skill level despite training. In my opinion this would only make sense if we were allowed to
let our "top athletes" train harder (read: more).. otherwise the sytem is quite contradictory in itself.
Or does this have something to do with the fact that my drivers have improved much faster than my XP level would allow me to have? I'm level 9 in XP and therefore my doc's skill level is also a 9.. My drivers are level 10 and 11.. Would a doctor with equal level to my drivers balance this / make my drivers improve? If so, I think it's a good solution! That would solve the discrepancy of being able to hire young drivers that hardly atrophy and increase in skill levels much faster than the manager's XP would allow...