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Talent 20 Low Level Physical Maxed

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medal 5000
5 years 185 days ago
Okay. How i get that?
medal 5000
5 years 185 days ago
Hi Aarni :-)

The best and most cost-efficient way to obtain those 20 Talents is through your 'Youth Academy' building.

Specifically, 20 Talents start to drop from a Level 10 'Youth Academy'. However, from experience, I strongly recommend to only start doing 'Scouts' with a Level 11 'Youth Academy' or higher, as with a Level 10, 20 Talents are very rare. (Took 100 Tokens on one account once! xD)

Big advantage of drivers this way, is the race salary. $312.5k/race usually for the first contract, compared to $800k-$950k/race for trained 20 Talents in the 'Transfers' :)

Hope that helps ;)
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