George Barton medal 5000 12 years 335 days ago
I was just thinking what a great idea advance setup would i need a few segestions so plz comment.

Lachlan Collins medal 5000 12 years 331 days ago
how about the whole game gets advanced,
im in school and this is still too easy

David Brady medal 5000 12 years 331 days ago
@George: Could you go into a bit more detail please
@Lachlan: too easy in what parts [ie. design,setup,strategy,racing or actually winning]

Lachlan Collins medal 5000 12 years 330 days ago
@Lachlan: too easy in what parts [ie. design,setup,strategy,racing or actually winning][/QUOTE]
Design (i know its getting changed soon though, Contract negotiations, stratergy ( i havent used 2d since the patch) why cant we tell the driver to win or try to set a new record,because i dont go on 2d (lately) i cant choose for KERS a whole lap, instead drivers are about winning, 2D idk if this is in there but proper timing systems and temp charts etc like in F1, old f1 game i used to play had lap by lap tyre wears different to the ones we used, a line chart like markerters used(it included fuel and tyre wear and lap times though it could probs use engine wear aswell. Ill add to this later as its hard to think/type on the ipod