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Missing objective race-view after latest update (Web)

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medal 5000
6 years 360 days ago
I am missing the objective view on a race after latest update.
Without focusing on a certain player, it was possible to watch the race, and the track wasn't "moving".

That view was very nice and i im missing it ;)
medal 5088
6 years 359 days ago
Hi J.J., where does the objective you are speaking of normally appear?
medal 5000
6 years 358 days ago (edited 6 years 358 days ago)
In the past, it was the default view onto the track. The track wasn't moving around. It was a fix birdview.
After you select a driver, the view is focused on a driver and the track "is moving around" .
That now ist the default. And i miss the "fixed track view"
I guess, that in the past there was no driver preselected
medal 4983 Moderator
6 years 358 days ago
At least on PC you can hit the ESC key to deselect the driver which stops the view of moving around. But unfortunately it stays at the position it was last showing with the car selected and I have the problem that I can't click'n'drag the track view around anymore (or zoom out as much as before too) which means I have to rely on clicking on cars and hitting ESC in time, hoping this pans the view into a postion that works.

I'd also appreciate if no cars are selected by default and if there's a method to pan the view around I'd be glad to know because I can't find it.
medal 5088
6 years 348 days ago
Ah, now I understand what you meant J.J. The camera view of the entire track when a driver isn't selected. Except as of recent when the escape button is pushed, it keeps following the driver.

I've informed the developers about this several days ago. A fix for this is coming as soon as possible.
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