Jeff MacKay medal 5000 12 years 337 days ago
It is Monday morning here, 10:10 am central time. Yet when I look at the forecast it shows the available days as Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, nothing for today's race. If I click on Tuesday's forecast for a more detailed report, it gives me the forecast for Monday. They must be labeled wrong, or is it a time zone issue?

Horse White medal 5000 12 years 336 days ago
I noticed that a time ago and I think that is labeled as the days which are at this location. Only noticed that with races which are in the east of europe (Asia, Australia...)

Andy Surowiec medal 5000 12 years 336 days ago
If you are in the United States, or even Europe depending on the time of your race and the race is in Asia (Singapore, Japan, etc) those locations are across the International dateline. So even though it may currently be Monday where you are at, it is already Tuesday in Asia, Australia, and Eastern Europe as I write this.

Jeff MacKay medal 5000 12 years 336 days ago
The race I was checking was today's race in Brazil. They are 2 hours ahead of my time zone, so it was Monday at noon there when I was checking. My next race is Wednesday Abu Dhabi. Currently (5pm central time)I can see a forecast for Tuesday, Wed, Thu and Friday. And when I click on the day, the detailed info is for the corresponding day as it should be. I will check Tomorrow morning again and see if it's related to the time of day that I'm checking.

Joao Costa medal 5000 12 years 291 days ago
Well let me tell you that the fact weather is constantly changing, and therefore you never know what the right set up would be, it really sucks in my modest opinion; if it´s meant to ensure you visit the game more often in my case it really annoys me that I need to redo my setups over and over eventually, i just don t have the time or patience to do it really, this is one of the game aspects that really should be looked into; i play other games of the gendre where i don t have this problem.
I can spare this one, it´s just not motivating...
Good Racing!

Horse White medal 5000 12 years 291 days ago
I don't understand your problem.
You just have to log in once a day.
Assign your designers.
If you have a race on this day login right before the preparation lock and setup your car.
That's all you need to do.
That takes about 10 minutes.

Joao Costa medal 5000 12 years 291 days ago
It´s not a problem it´s just an opinion and I personally think all opinions are valid if they express the players felling about something and if they are construtctive, having in mind to eventually improve something in the game...
The "problem" is when you are not able to log in just before the race starts, it happens you know...
Not all of us have the same availabilty and in other games I am allowed to set up my car when I have the chance and I know weather forecast will not change before the race so i don´t have to be worried to log in just before the race starts, it´s just not always possible but it´s enough to jeopardize your entire strategy.

David Brady medal 5000 12 years 291 days ago
^ The weather is a live feed though and so any "forecast" is just that, what science predicts. As opposed to any weather being set in advance

Horse White medal 5000 12 years 291 days ago
But that is the aspect of live data.
Either we will change that to static data which won't change or we will leave it dynamically which is much more fun.
I know that people sometimes don't get the chance to login before the race but that's how this game works.
And that's how all games work. The more time you spend in it the better you get. Especially if it comes to real time data. Compared to other game the time investment is quite low in iGP.

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 12 years 290 days ago
@ Joao - There has been quite a lot of discussion about this aspect of the game and at the moment it is still thought best to keep it as it is. The wet/soft tyre issue is separate and will be addressed in a later patch. However all discussion is valid and welcome as it is important the devs find out what the majority feel.
And as I have said the majority seem to like the unpredictability of the weather as it adds a degree of spice to the game.

Shane Hendrixson medal 5000 12 years 290 days ago
Has this definitely been fixed? We had a race at Turkey today - The forecast showed Overcast for the last two days, and it was still showing Overcast 10 minutes before lockout. Set everyone up for slicks, and come qualifying it was raining and it rained for the entire 100% race. Not sure if this is just bad luck or what the deal is, but I would have though rain should have been in the forecast if it stayed around that long.. It wasn't a little shower.