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Why my previous post has been closed?

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medal 5000
6 years 348 days ago
I'm a F.1 fan, and I was asking for some other games because I like them why?
medal 5000
6 years 348 days ago
I remember someone else saying something similar to what you did and I joked about them being banned for it but that thread was not closed. I think it's okay to ask people for their favourite f1 games but I believe it's understandable if the devs don't want people to "promote" other "competitors" on their platform. Especially if you also describe their work as not being "complex" which could be seen as an insult. But to be honest, only the person who closed the thread nows why it was done...
medal 5677 Community Manager
6 years 347 days ago
Hello, we avoid posting other games within our forum.
medal 5000
6 years 347 days ago
...there used to be a whole forum section for discussion of other F1 games, or at least it was it's own thread.

I thought Jack wasn't that concerned because none of the other games were like iGP
medal 5442 CEO & CTO
6 years 347 days ago
We're still establishing protocols with the new moderation team. They are not staff of iGP, but community volunteers. They have received no formal training from us and as such don't represent our views.

A moderator closed that thread. I chased it up to find out why because I have no problem with it (as Greg said) and questioned the decision. I was told that after the thread was created some kind of link or referral link was added to it in a subsequent edit. I don't have any problem with people discussing other games, but direct referral links opening a thread are always suspect.

The game it referred to was "myGP", and the team behind that recently created "Motorsport Master". The latter is a clone even in name of the other "MM", and the former sounds a lot like "iGP" now I think about it, targeting our users and theirs, so all these factors led to me approving of the thread being closed, on suspicion of it being spam on their behalf.

Apologies if it was a sincere request, but try to avoid opening threads with links like that. We're only just getting started with the moderation team and we'll smooth things out as we go along.
medal 5000
6 years 347 days ago
No one posted a link, because it has been closed right after I opened it. Anyway no problem, I just want to know if there are also other games similar to the F.1. I'm playing 3 different games (IGP Manager included) and every game has great skills but no one is "Perfect"...that's why I was asking for other ones...
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