Gary Collyer medal 5001 12 years 332 days ago (edited 12 years 332 days ago)
Me again!
Wondered how DRS works, ive got the opputunity to buy it after the next race but am low on cash and wondered exactly how it works and if you can use over a whole lap in qualifying like reality or only in race, then if only in race is it just one straight when your within 1 sec etc or you can use it over a whole lap etc or what ever, how many times, trying to work out how much its worth buying as ive limited funds.
Did a quick search but couldnt find a definitive answer.

Stuart Stapley medal 5000 12 years 332 days ago
From the rules below. In the race there is a DRS zone that is marked out.
DRS and KERS are not permitted for use on qualifying laps

Horse White medal 5000 12 years 332 days ago
Stuart said it already.
The DRS Zone is marked with a green and blue line for the starting and end point of the DRS Zone. But I don't know which one is the start line.

Gary Collyer medal 5001 12 years 332 days ago
lol i searched the forum but forgot about the rules section, what an idiot, sorry guys for posting a stupid question....

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 12 years 332 days ago
No questions are stupid - every post will help someone to understand the game better - sometimes the 'naive' questions throw up a whole new way of looking at the game.

George Barton medal 5000 12 years 327 days ago
yeah som1 else will c this like me and think "well i didnt know that"