Jamie Franklin medal 5000 12 years 331 days ago
I know we've had lots of suggestions in the past to increase the amount of suppliers to bring more variety to the game. I don't know if it has been suggested that teams could have the opportunity to create their own engines/fuels/tyres under their team's name.
We could probably implement this by creating a new facility, let's call it a 'factory' for now, for simplicity. It would give top managers a chance to buy a new facility when they have them all. Perhaps have it become accessible at the levels of 10/11/12. Or one for each, for example Level 10 = Fuels, Level 11 = Tyres and Level 12 = Engines.
This doesn't necessarily have to become a big advantage either. We could either have allocated points that are only marginally better than that of the top engine on the site currently, but give the player the chance to distribute it in a way that they want. This would bring more variation over a period of time (or at least until people find out what's best ;) ) and would make different teams competitive at different tracks.
With fuels, managers would have the opportunity to choose between whether they want outright performance of the fuel, or whether they want better fuel economy, which will obviously mean less fuel of a race, and a lighter car.
Tyres are pretty self-explanatory again, with trying to make a balance between grip, durability and how easy the tyre is to operate.
The engines probably have the greatest range of scope, with the opportunity to balance out pure speed, acceleration, reliabilty, cooling, ridgity, fuel economy again and how heavy or light the engine is.
In fact, with this we could even bring in a new staff member, to accompany our Chief Designer, Tech Director etc. Although maybe we'd need a little more than 200 staff in that case ;)
The opportunites are vast, and could even go as far as supplying other teams, once we reach a certain stage, and feel that our own bits and bobs are good enough :)
Feel free to voice your opinions!

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 12 years 331 days ago
yes - i think I get what you mean.
Some good ideas there.
And i think it was an area that was to be expanded in the future so any ideas are worth looking at.

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 12 years 331 days ago
Jamie's right. I remember admins saying in the past in the future suppliers will be developed in the sense they will update their products gradually, you could chose to work on an engine, to tweak its power, fuel consumption and weight, work on tires, to develop more grip at a reduced wear and so on. Jamie's idea can bring this to life. The initial idea never materialized in the game so far, although I had big expectations from this Q1 patch, which has been only slightly cosmetic so far.

Jack Basford medal 5235
CEO & CTO 12 years 331 days ago
One question: How do you stop one person from creating 5 accounts just to buy from their custom-made supplier if they can trade?
It is because it's near impossible to prevent such exploits that there is no trade between teams at this stage. Other than that, I like the idea, I think it has good scope for higher level facilities in particular.

Lachlan Collins medal 5000 12 years 331 days ago
One question: How do you stop one person from creating 5 accounts just to buy from their custom-made supplier if they can trade?
It is because it's near impossible to prevent such exploits that there is no trade between teams at this stage. Other than that, I like the idea, I think it has good scope for higher level facilities in particular.
Cant you do something with their IP address, a game i used to play had an ip address limit so it stopped you from making duplicates. it was 1-2 per ip address
Or if you know its a duplicate account, like their third or fourth you can do an IP ban/give out warnings/suspend them from something. i dont know everything as i havent studied this yet/much.

Nikolai Myhre medal 5000 12 years 331 days ago
One question: How do you stop one person from creating 5 accounts just to buy from their custom-made supplier if they can trade?
It is because it's near impossible to prevent such exploits that there is no trade between teams at this stage. Other than that, I like the idea, I think it has good scope for higher level facilities in particular.
Cant you do something with their IP address, a game i used to play had an ip address limit so it stopped you from making duplicates. it was 1-2 per ip address
Or if you know its a duplicate account, like their third or fourth you can do an IP ban/give out warnings/suspend them from something. i dont know everything as i havent studied this yet/much.
But then you run into issues with shared connections. Myself and my work mates all use iGP, there would be a heap of accounts showing from this IP.
You can trace host names to get around that, but that still wont stop people who are determined.

Lachlan Collins medal 5000 12 years 331 days ago
One question: How do you stop one person from creating 5 accounts just to buy from their custom-made supplier if they can trade?
It is because it's near impossible to prevent such exploits that there is no trade between teams at this stage. Other than that, I like the idea, I think it has good scope for higher level facilities in particular.
Cant you do something with their IP address, a game i used to play had an ip address limit so it stopped you from making duplicates. it was 1-2 per ip address
Or if you know its a duplicate account, like their third or fourth you can do an IP ban/give out warnings/suspend them from something. i dont know everything as i havent studied this yet/much.
But then you run into issues with shared connections. Myself and my work mates all use iGP, there would be a heap of accounts showing from this IP.
You can trace host names to get around that, but that still wont stop people who are determined.
Just tell 'em, everyone will understand if thats the case

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 12 years 331 days ago
I don't understand what you mean, Jack. From level 10 let's say, managers can develop their own suppliers. What this has to do with cheating ? Those suppliers won't trade. They are bond to respective team.

David Masters medal 5000 12 years 331 days ago (edited 12 years 331 days ago)
I like your idea Jamie especially for the engine. I have an other suggestion about the tyres supplier.
If you see in a real competition like F1, WTCC, WRC, there is one official tyres supplier. So, what do you think about have only one supplier per season ?
I explain, for example 3 seasons all teams have the same supplier and for the next 3 seasons, all teams change to an other official supplier etc. So on the first season, you have to learn about the tyres (grip, durability, operate range), on the second season it's better and on the last season, it's too easy because you have a 2 years of info.
I think with that system, you can bring more competition and challenge.

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 12 years 331 days ago
Engines differ on those competitions you mentioned.

David Masters medal 5000 12 years 331 days ago
Engines differ on those competitions you mentioned.
I'm not talking about Engine, it's a suggestion for official tyres supplier.
F1 = Pirelli
WTCC = Yokohama
WRC = Michelin

Lachlan Collins medal 5000 12 years 331 days ago
I like your idea Jamie especially for the engine. I have an other suggestion about the tyres supplier.
If you see in a real competition like F1, WTCC, WRC, there is one official tyres supplier. So, what do you think about have only one supplier per season ?
I explain, for example 3 seasons all teams have the same supplier and for the next 3 seasons, all teams change to an other official supplier etc. So on the first season, you have to learn about the tyres (grip, durability, operate range), on the second season it's better and on the last season, it's too easy because you have a 2 years of info.
I think with that system, you can bring more competition and challenge.
however, F1 has had multi tyre suppliers at once and many many other racing leagues/comps have different tyre/engine and fuel suppliers so why cant igp manager? besides there's 3 obvious suppliers that you have to use to pretty much be competitive and if people arent using them, who cares theyll figure it out eventualy.

Jamie Franklin medal 5000 12 years 330 days ago
To be honest, if the only problem is supplying to other teams, then just erase that part. It's not a necessity, but I'm glad you guys like the rest of it :)