Edwin Stanton medal 5560 6 years 358 days ago
I very recently returned to the game after a break of a few years and lots has changed for the better but one thing I am not finding (and probably because I am not looking in the right spot) is lap times from each race. In the old/dark ages, after a race I could bring up the lap times of each lap. It helped me judge tyre fall off as well as review the strategies other managers used. Is that still here and I'm just not finding it? Thank you

Andy Craig medal 5000 6 years 358 days ago
If you go to league from the menu, you can choose previous races and view lap times from there by clicking on the total time of each driver or from your team you can choose to view history which should show you all your previous races. Not sure how far back that data is kept though.

Edwin Stanton medal 5560 6 years 358 days ago
Thank you very much. That is exactly the data was looking for.