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TD or CD

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medal 5000
6 years 319 days ago

I have enough tokens to get better staff.
Should I get a new CD or TD first?
medal 5000
6 years 319 days ago
You're level 5 with only 13 races under your belt. How many races until you next level up? IMO you should save your money/tokens and replace both when you get to level eight or so.
As you level up the staff become less effective and it's not possible to train them, so changing them when you're still levelling up quickly is a waste of money and tokens.
medal 5179
6 years 315 days ago
I agree with Kevin. Sit on your current team and learn about strategy before getting new staff. If your driver has very low talent (1 or 2) consider replacing them first (if you can find a higher talent driver) wait until you are a higher level before you upgrade your staff (you level up very quickly on the low levels and end up replacing the staff very quickly.
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