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Expenditure burden

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medal 5000
6 years 319 days ago
My expenditure per race is coming about 3 million dollars. Due to this I am frequently running under debt. Tell me some steps to minimise this expenditure without affecting my race performance. Please.
medal 5088
6 years 314 days ago
Here's some places you could cut costs:

- Stick to having only two drivers
- Don't develop the Offices and Hospitality facility any further
- Focus on developing the Design and Technology facility, which will ensure you perform stronger in races, thus guaranteeing you win more often, which guarantees you keep earning the sponsor bonuses.

There are some off the top of my head.
medal 5000
6 years 314 days ago
Also, let the doctor contract expire and the game will auto assign a low level doctor with wages of £50k per race. It will slow your training a little but it's going to dave you approx. £8m per season.
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