Jamie Franklin medal 5000 12 years 329 days ago
This is a bit of a desperate post really, considering my situation. I have a car that averages at 95%, two fantastic drivers, and yet I haven't won a race since the beginning of the season. Where I have been constantly beaten by two teams, one of which has a car that averages 20% worse, and one which is 5% better. Not only does Team Brady (The latter) usually beat me by a lot, but Alin consistently beats me as well.
I know that it's not the strategy, because the strategies are almost identical, as is the way we all use 2D, apart from KERS, but then it's still pretty similar. So I'm literally stumped as to how I'm losing so much time.
I would have thought that my drivers, being 3-4 levels higher would be fantastic. But clearly this isn't the case.
Any thoughts?
EDIT: Not to mention my qualifying has always been pretty sub-standard. My team has never been good at getting pole -_-

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 12 years 328 days ago
Hi Jamie, if you can give me specific drivers to compare I can check what is benefiting driver A over driver B or vice versa.
Ideally, could you give me links such as this:
https://igpmanager.com/play/?url=race-result/48534/20311 for each car you would like me to compare for any given race?
Obviously I won't say exactly what the reasons are, but I'll make sure that nothing is going wrong and give you some general pointers about what's going on.

Matthew Fraser medal 5000 12 years 328 days ago (edited 12 years 328 days ago)

Jamie Franklin medal 5000 12 years 328 days ago (edited 12 years 328 days ago)

David Brady medal 5000 12 years 327 days ago (edited 12 years 327 days ago)
Since i'm in there, if i qualified better i'm pretty confident i would have got a 1/2 although i know your car is only around ~5-10% lower than mine, last time i spyed Alins was ~40% lower [so i'll assume he has improved since then]
I'd really like to know how Alin beats you as well [so i can get a some similar drivers next time i level up]
we'll see what happens next season before i comment on what/why i think the differences

Jamie Franklin medal 5000 12 years 327 days ago
Yeah, it's quite puzzling. Obviously there's a reason why I never qualify that well. And it's not just Alin, Martin was able to get Verheyen to beat me on the same strategy with a car that's 20-25% worse than mine.

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 12 years 327 days ago
This is a really interesting post.
There are so many factors that come into play that it is often difficult to find the relevant information in your stats.
Have you been changing suppliers for instance?
And what is the level of your staff and how many have you working as mechanics etc.
Anyway i don't actually know what the answer is - just that there really are a lot of variables

Jamie Franklin medal 5000 12 years 327 days ago
My suppliers have remained constant since the beta - Murk, Bridgerock and Seashell.
My chief designer and tech director are both level 8 with full experience and morale. I have 90 designers at level 20, 60 engineers and 44 mechanics, both of which are level 20. My doctor is level 8 as well, and commercial manager (not that it makes much difference) is level 9, and I have 6 marketers at level 12.

David Brady medal 5000 12 years 327 days ago
I dont use the same suppliers... not that it really make much difference [and might actually be making me slower] I'm pretty sure it all comes down to drivers, Level itself isnt really a fair judge of how good a driver is IMO, and since i'm not gonna post my drivers stats here [and i doubt you or alin are either] maybe you can ask each other & compare them directly

Jamie Franklin medal 5000 12 years 327 days ago
Perhaps, as my drivers stats are only low in the same 4 stats. I guess, if this is the only logical solution, then maybe I'll have to get rid of one of them in order to test the other stats.

David Brady medal 5000 12 years 327 days ago
Actually this isnt going to ruin anything, my lowest 5 stats [not really on purpose, just the way training has went, for any1 trying to copy me lol] are
Agression, Charisma, Workrate, Experience, Feedback [1 Driver]
Agression, Bravery, Influence, Teamwork & Overtaking [Other Driver]
Any help to you Jamie?
Also since i did say the other day that i didnt think hunt would beat dempsey all season, he's 31 points ahead after 8 races :(

Jamie Franklin medal 5000 12 years 327 days ago
Interestingly, a few of those are my lowest stats as well - Anticipation, Charisma, Composure, Influence, Teamwork and Experience. I might have to change one driver to see if I'm right in what I think - If not, then who knows.

Matthew Fraser medal 5000 12 years 327 days ago
this is the joy of this game. trying to figure out how to beat another team. i know why he's so much better but am not gona say that wud just make it to easy for the rest of uses out there.

Jamie Franklin medal 5000 12 years 327 days ago
this is the joy of this game. trying to figure out how to beat another team. i know why he's so much better but am not gona say that wud just make it to easy for the rest of uses out there.
Then PM me ;) You have no idea how frustrating it has been for me to finally compete with Alin on a level that makes me able to win Championships, and then all of a sudden have that taken away by something I don't understand.

David Brady medal 5000 12 years 327 days ago (edited 12 years 327 days ago)
this is the joy of this game. trying to figure out how to beat another team. i know why he's so much better but am not gona say that wud just make it to easy for the rest of uses out there.
Gonna take about 20+ races or so to figure out for definite [results this season have thrown me off a bit] Think i'm going for 2 stats as close to 20 as possible, building that upto 5 after the 1st season, then 8 the season after that depending on how things progress
+ I pretty much change my mind every other race, Defending & Technical are perfect examples, sometimes i think they do nothing & other times i think there amazing

Matthew Fraser medal 5000 12 years 327 days ago
this is the joy of this game. trying to figure out how to beat another team. i know why he's so much better but am not gona say that wud just make it to easy for the rest of uses out there.
Gonna take about 20+ races or so to figure out for definite [results this season have thrown me off a bit] Think i'm going for 2 stats as close to 20 as possible, building that upto 5 after the 1st season, then 8 the season after that depending on how things progress
+ I pretty much change my mind every other race, Defending & Technical are perfect examples, sometimes i think they do nothing & other times i think there amazing
agreed i think every driver needs certain stats at a certain level to be a good driver.
When i first started play i trained certain stats up which then didnt do anything but now it seems to be work so to just a case of figuring this game out.
if everyone was to give out there driver info then it wouldnt be much fun. take time i bet if you train one thing you'll find all that time your losing.

Jamie Franklin medal 5000 12 years 327 days ago
Not in enough time to steal back my Championship lol.

Matthew Fraser medal 5000 12 years 327 days ago
well build for next season. you'll need the car to go with it aswell

Jamie Franklin medal 5000 12 years 327 days ago
I had the car this season until Brady came along :P, now I have a terrible one next season. Anyway, doesn't matter. Thanks for the help ;)

David Brady medal 5000 12 years 327 days ago
I had the car this season until Brady came along :P, now I have a terrible one next season. Anyway, doesn't matter. Thanks for the help ;)
Alin to win next season then? mine is terrible as well