Jake Goodhall medal 5000 12 years 328 days ago (edited 12 years 328 days ago)
Question 1. see rules -
2.3 Tyres
There are four compounds of tyre available in iGP Manager, they are: Soft, Hard, Wet (Intermediate) and Wet (Full). There are no restrictions on how you use the tyres. Each compound is best suited to a different set of circumstances outlined below.
Soft - A dry weather compound. Great for qualifying, the soft tyre is designed for raw speed and can be very effective in low ambient temperatures due to its tendency to heat up very quickly. Though on high wear circuits or in high ambient temperatures they may suffer from overheating and high wear.
Hard - A dry weather compound. Not the best qualifying tyre, and doesn't have the ultimate speed of the soft tyre. However, it makes up for this deficit in durability, making it ideal for long stints. In some circumstances it can be competitive with the soft tyre on pace, for example high wear circuits or very high ambient temperatures. Such conditions hurt the soft tyres, but help the hard tyre get to optimal temperatures.
Wet (Intermediate) - A wet weather compound. Designed for low to medium rainfall. It does not work well in high rainfall or dry conditions.
Wet (Full) - A wet weather compound. Designed for medium to high rainfall. It does not work well in low rainfall or dry conditions.
Tyre suppliers - Each tyre supplier produces tyres with different properties. Understanding which one is the best at any given moment can be useful in getting a competitive edge.
Question 2 =- like I said just follow the numbers that your director has set-up for you - you don't need to alter anything at the moment.
If what you say is the same as 29 X 4.3 divided by 3 then yes. This should come out as the same amount that your director has indicated.
Good luck with your first race.