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Ability to set different start times....

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medal 5000
6 years 333 days ago

I was wondering whether it would be possible to set different start times for the different levels of league a person hosts.....although I'm a relatively new host, I have managed to develop my league from 5 active members to around 40 in fewer than 10 races! We've generally got 10-15 people watching each race....however I know I could increase this if I could set each race at least 30 minutes apart because rookies want to watch the Pro league to see the future competition, Pros want to watch Elite races for the same reason....if you were also able to reward spectators, say tokens, in-game cash, car parts or engines etc depending on how long you've spent watching, then surely that would not only benefit the individual but also your company through increased interactions?
medal 5088
6 years 333 days ago
I don't think this may be possible. My understanding is the races need to start at the same time to stay synced. I could ask Jack.
medal 5000
6 years 325 days ago
Are the start times in UK time? 
medal 5088
6 years 325 days ago
Are the start times in UK time? 

Start times are automatically adjusted to whatever timezone you've selected in your account settings.
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