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PM from friends only

Would it better if private messages in-game could only be sent to you by friends?

7.14% (3)
Yes, always
57.14% (24)
Yes, but as a preference that can be changed in settings
19.05% (8)
No, never
16.67% (7)
I don't mind either way
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medal 5443 CEO & CTO
6 years 330 days ago
This idea cropped up for a couple of reasons:

  1. We have dealt with several cases since the apps launched where users have received either spam messages in-game or messages from people they didn't want to talk to (e.g. someone they aren't getting along with in a league as an example)

  2. Both the developers and support on iGP have also been receiving messages from users in-game asking us about features or support when we already have other channels for this

medal 5000
6 years 330 days ago
I think the best is as an option in preferences, and maybe with the option to let you get only get messages from friends and people from your league too.
medal 5000
6 years 329 days ago
I understand why most players want these changes, but for me it'll be very inconvenient. I always send messages with a guide and league rules to new players or notify when I kick somebody off and in some other cases. So ideally it would be : 
1) Messages within the league should be always permitted
2) There should be a preference, but when a new player sign in this function should be off and can be activated later.
medal 5088
6 years 329 days ago

I understand why most players want these changes, but for me it'll be very inconvenient. I always send messages with a guide and league rules to new players or notify when I kick somebody off and in some other cases. So ideally it would be : 
1) Messages within the league should be always permitted
2) There should be a preference, but when a new player sign in this function should be off and can be activated later.

Yes, the default option will be to keep the setting disabled, and it will be the player's choice to enable it.
medal 5021 Super Mod
6 years 328 days ago
I voted yes, if we can choose. Sometimes When I see a question in a forum thread that go off topic I answer by PM, in all cases those managers aren't my in-game friends.
medal 5000
6 years 324 days ago
I agree with the blockage I get several messages even today the reason to write here is I am in favor of blocking private message for privacy reason would only be appropriate for friends sometimes I get ironic messages that annoys me a lot I am in favor of the block would help a lot in the privacy of the player.
medal 5144 Super Mod
6 years 324 days ago
Just a thought. Would it be better if you could simply block messages from specific accounts? If someone sends you an upsetting or offensive PM you add them to a "blocked list" which stops them messaging you again.
This overcomes the problems identified by Hjbjg and Gustavo.
medal 5002 Super Mod
6 years 323 days ago

Just a thought. Would it be better if you could simply block messages from specific accounts? If someone sends you an upsetting or offensive PM you add them to a "blocked list" which stops them messaging you again.
This overcomes the problems identified by Hjbjg and Gustavo.

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