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Race Freezes

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medal 5000
6 years 327 days ago
Just raced Japan in Champions League -

Not sure if you are aware but the freezing in the race was awful. The froze almost every lap for a few seconds. It made it very difficult to play.
medal 5000
6 years 327 days ago
It freezee always evry devices, and too many ppl have this problem
I take a screenshot but cant upload, lot of joined and left cuz the game is freeze, i think the server is not enough good, too many users, lot of inactives etc.
medal 5000
6 years 327 days ago
What the heck is going on? Freezing and then connection problems?
And I'm talking as in the dots all stop for 30 secs to a few minutes, not just little hiccups
medal 5000
6 years 327 days ago
The race in Jock Squad was completely unmanagable.  Freezing and jumping about 3 times per lap.

Could manage the boost, and tyres burning out...
medal 5088
6 years 327 days ago
I have informed the developers about this, they will be looking into this on Monday.
medal 5001
6 years 326 days ago
Was horrendous tonight in International Gp race starting 8.30pm BST, constant freezing for up to 10+ seconds every lap for about 15 laps before it calm down alittle, 
many had same problem according to chat window, 

i had the race open on iphone & pc and it was freezing at same time and coming back same time, worst i've experienced for a long time
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