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Question about Weather

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medal 5041
6 years 301 days ago
The last race I participated in was Melbourne. I was actually sitting in a hotel in Melbourne where it was 9:30pm outside and approx 20 C. However the race weather displayed sunny and 27 C. I know that the weather status is supposed to be taken from Weather Underground and there is supposed to be a 15 or 30 min difference. But, this is example shows it is definitely not the case. So my question is, what is the correct determination of the weather situation? Is it based on some other criteria other than Wunderground? 
medal 5088
6 years 301 days ago
Hm, it could be a faulty weather device pushing information to Wunderground, I'm looking at the closest stations to the track and some are particularly hotter than the others:

I just wrapped up a race in Australia 15 minutes ago and had 20 celsius.
medal 5041
6 years 301 days ago
Yeah weather on Wed Melbourne time is substantially cooler than Tuesday. But it was 9pm at night when it was showing 27 degrees. It definitely wasn't that in real life.
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